UAE Signs MoUs to Promote Tolerance and Coexistence with Six Nations



During the 12th edition of the AIM held in Abu Dhabi, the UAE signed MoUs with six nations to promote the values of tolerance and coexistence. The MoUs were signed with Kazakhstan, Armenia, Guinea, Bahrain, Kyrgyzstan, and the Government of Sindh in Pakistan.

The agreements were focused on promoting values of tolerance and coexistence with Kazakhstan, Guinea, Bahrain, Kyrgyzstan, and the Government of Sindh, and on the transfer of experience in the field of tolerance with Armenia. These MoUs demonstrate the UAE's continued commitment to promoting tolerance and coexistence both domestically and globally. The UAE is setting an example for other nations to follow when it comes to promoting these important values. Let's hope that these MoUs are just the beginning of a global movement towards greater tolerance and coexistence, led by the UAE and the six nations that signed these agreements.


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