Edelman Trust Barometer rates UAE as one of the most trusted countries


The 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer ranked the UAE as one of the most united and trustworthy nations in the world. Government, business, NGOs, and the media are the four main institutions in the nation with still high levels of public confidence.

According to the research, which polled over 30,000 people in 28 nations, there is unwavering trust in the UAE despite widespread problems like conflict, food hunger, and climate change that have polarized society.

The UAE is the third-most trusted nation in the world, with high levels of confidence observed in all four institutions: the government, business community, non-governmental organizations, and the media.

With 86 percent of the vote, the UAE government topped the list as the most dependable institution, followed by business with 78 percent. The research claims that the reason for the high levels of trust is a result of the respondents' perceptions of the government, corporations, and non-profit organizations as being capable and moral.

The UAE rated best in terms of economic confidence; there, 72 percent of respondents, compared to just 40 percent worldwide, think their economy would improve in the next five years.

While other nations across the world experienced deteriorated social fabric and entrenched polarization caused by mistrust in the government, a lack of a shared identity, and systemic inequity, the UAE has been able to maintain a feeling of cohesiveness and unity.

"On a global level, economic optimism continues to decline, with 24 out of 28 countries in our study recording all-time lows, and 53% of respondents globally say that their countries are more divided today than in the past," said Omar Qirem, CEO of Edelman Middle East. The UAE defies this trend, once again emerging in the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer study as a strongly cohesive nation, despite the cycle of mistrust that is fueling polarization globally.

He said, "The UAE's clear long-term social and economic policies have seen the country become one of the most well-known and sought-after places in the world, drawing expats, companies, and visitors, while protecting the country's distinct cultural history and identity.

Businesses and CEOs are expected to publicly address social concerns including climate change, discrimination, the wealth gap, and employee treatment as long as trust levels in the UAE remain high. Businesses and governments may work together to create outcomes that move us closer to a more just, secure, and flourishing society, the speaker continued.

The survey also showed that professionals like journalists, scientists, and CEOs are respected in the UAE and that all four organizations are seen as trustworthy sources.

The company's 23rd annual trust and credibility poll, the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer, was performed between November 1 and November 28, 2022, and it included 30-minute interviews.


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