The UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain named the happiest Arab countries according to the World Happiness Report.



The World Happiness Report, which is published every year, evaluates the level of happiness around the world while taking into account elements like money, social support, and the freedom to pursue one's goals in life. The UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain were the happiest Arab nations, according to the report's findings for the years 2020 to 2022, placing 21st, 27th, and 35th, respectively. 

Because to its investments in social infrastructure and amenities including top-notch healthcare, education, and entertainment opportunities, the UAE has continuously rated well on the happiness index. The population of the nation is diverse, with residents hailing from more than 200 different nations, which also contributes to its harmonious and welcoming culture.

On the other hand, Saudi Arabia's standing has significantly increased recently as a result of the government's ongoing initiatives to modernize the nation and make it more appealing for both citizens and tourists. The nation's standing on the happiness index has significantly improved because to the Vision 2030 plan, which intends to diversify the economy, upgrade infrastructure, and improve social services. 

Given the size and population of the nation, Bahrain's score is still impressive even though it is lower than that of the UAE and Saudi Arabia. The nation has become a popular travel destination for both foreigners and citizens due to its emphasis on fostering entrepreneurship and tourism as well as its dedication to offering high-quality healthcare and education.

The results of the World Happiness Report highlight the value of creating a varied and inclusive society, as well as spending money on social infrastructure and amenities, in order to increase happiness and well-being. Countries may raise their rankings on the happiness index and improve the quality of life for their population by concentrating on these important areas.  

The UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain all scored highly on the happiness index, which is a testament to their continued efforts to build prosperous and happy societies. These nations are well on their way to becoming even happier in the next years with ongoing investment in social infrastructure and services, as well as a dedication to encouraging diversity and inclusivity.


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