Dubai Police Launches "Our Children are Our Responsibility" Campaign on World Children's Day to Raise Awareness on Child Rights


Dubai Police Launches

On World Children's Day, the Dubai Police introduced a new educational initiative called "Our Children are Our Responsibility," which aims to increase public understanding of children's rights and safeguard vulnerable children. The initiative, which attempts to highlight how important it is to protect children's rights, was supported by over 100 kids and their families who marched.

The campaign is a significant step toward defending the rights of children and ensuring their protection, according to Brigadier Saeed Salem Al Shamsi, Director of the General Department of Human Rights at the Dubai Police. He further stated that the police would keep up their relentless efforts to safeguard society's most defenseless citizens.

The Dubai Police have added more channels of communication to aid abuse victims in addition to the awareness campaign. This includes a specialized hotline and online forums where anyone can file reports of child abuse.

Additionally, the Dubai Police reaffirmed their zero-tolerance approach to violations of children's rights. Children's safety and well-being are their first priority, and they have made it clear that they will endeavor to find and bring criminal charges against anyone found to be abusing or exploiting children.

Child rights groups have applauded the launch of the "Our Children are Our Responsibility" campaign and Dubai Police for their dedication to safeguarding children and promoting knowledge of their rights. The program is anticipated to last the entire year, with a variety of events and activities set up to promote child safety and raise awareness of children's rights.



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