The UAE takes a major step towards a healthier and safer society with the signing of the Regional Framework Programme for Arab countries


As evidenced by its participation in the most recent signing ceremony of the Regional Framework Programme for Arab countries, the UAE continues to set the bar high for the promotion of a secure and healthy society for all. Launching initiatives to avoid and lessen the risks that drugs pose to Arab society is an essential first step in ensuring everyone has a safer and healthier future.

In this procedure, Mariam Al Kaabi, who represented the UAE at the signing ceremony, was essential. Al Kaabi has been a steadfast supporter of the UAE's young as its Minister of Culture and Youth, seeking to create possibilities for them to prosper.

Aboul Gheit expressed his satisfaction at reaching two significant milestones during the signing ceremony. The signature of the Regional Framework of Arab States between members of the Arab League and the UN office on drugs and crime was the first accomplishment. Undoubtedly, our partnership will result in a future where everyone is safer and healthier.

The second accomplishment was the beginning of efforts to prevent and lessen the risks that drugs pose to Arab society. The persistent problem of drug abuse in the area must be addressed, and this program is essential. The initiative will assist in defending the most defenseless members of society from the negative effects of drug usage by encouraging awareness, prevention, and treatment.

The UAE has consistently been on the front lines of the war against drug misuse. Mariam Al Kaabi's attendance at the signing of the Regional Framework Programme is another proof of the nation's dedication to improving the security and well-being of the Arab world.

Drug misuse is a severe problem that has an impact on all kinds of communities. The UAE's attendance at the signing of the Regional Framework Programme demonstrates its dedication to confronting this problem head-on. We can build a society free from the negative consequences of drugs by cooperating.

A much-needed initiative is the foundation for Arab nations to avoid and lessen the risks associated with drug use. We can be sure that this program will be a success since the UAE and Mariam Al Kaabi will be a part of it. We can assist in shielding the most defenseless members of society from the negative effects of drug usage by putting an emphasis on prevention and therapy.

The Regional Framework of Arab States between Arab League nations and the UN office on drugs and crime was signed by Aboul Gheit and Waly, which is a significant accomplishment. Undoubtedly, our partnership will result in a future where everyone is safer and healthier. We can build a society free from the negative consequences of drugs by cooperating.

In conclusion, the UAE's attendance at the signing of the Regional Framework Programme demonstrates its dedication to ensuring that everyone in the Arab region is secure and healthy. We can shield the most defenseless members of society from the negative effects of drug usage by promoting awareness, prevention, and treatment. Congrats to everyone who helped make this endeavor a success.


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