Hillary Clinton Applauds Abu Dhabi and the UAE for Making Real-World Solutions to Global Issues and Disputes

Hillary Clinton

Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently visited Abu Dhabi and lauded the UAE's progress and achievements in a variety of fields. In this article, we will look at the various areas where Clinton praised the UAE and its capital, Abu Dhabi.

Women's Rights:

Clinton applauded the UAE's progress in promoting gender equality and empowering women. In a tweet, she stated, "The UAE has made significant strides in promoting women's rights and empowering women. I commend their efforts to break down barriers and create opportunities for women to thrive in all sectors.

Climate Action:

Clinton also praised the UAE's commitment to combat climate change and shift towards clean energy. In a tweet, she said, "The UAE is leading the way in promoting clean energy and taking action against climate change. Their commitment to reducing emissions and investing in renewable energy sources is commendable.

Legal Rights:

During her fireside chat, Clinton highlighted the innovative steps taken by Abu Dhabi in the common law court system and the resolution of disputes. In a tweet, she praised the UAE for its commitment to legal rights for all, stating, "I am impressed by the UAE's commitment to ensuring access to justice for all and their innovative approach to dispute resolution. Their efforts to create a fair and efficient legal system are admirable.

Progress since 2011:

Clinton also acknowledged the significant progress made by the UAE since her last visit in 2011. In a tweet, she stated, "Since my last visit, the UAE has made remarkable progress in various sectors. Their achievements in promoting women's rights, combating climate change, and ensuring legal rights for all are commendable. I am impressed by their commitment to creating a better future for all.

Finally, the UAE and Abu Dhabi have made significant progress in a variety of sectors, and Clinton's visit and praise highlight the country's ability to create a better future for all. The UAE is well-positioned to be a leader in resolving global problems and disputes due to its commitment to gender equality, climate action, and equal legal rights for all.


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