UAE Sees Increase in Emiratis Joining Private Sector Workforce in 2023


According to recent reports, the United Arab Emirates has witnessed a significant increase in Emiratis joining the private sector workforce in the first quarter of 2023. The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MoHRE) has disclosed that over 10,500 Emiratis joined the private sector in the first three months of 2023, marking an 11 percent increase compared to the same period last year.

This increase in Emiratis joining the private sector workforce is a promising development for the UAE's economy, as the government has been pushing for more Emirati participation in the private sector for several years now. In 2022, the UAE launched the National Program for Emiratization, with a goal of increasing the percentage of Emiratis in the private sector to 5 percent by 2021 and 10 percent by 2025.

The rise in Emiratis joining the private sector workforce can be attributed to several factors, including the increasing emphasis on creating more job opportunities for UAE nationals, as well as the growing number of initiatives and incentives being offered by the government to encourage Emirati participation in the private sector.

The MoHRE has been working closely with private sector companies to develop and implement training programs and other initiatives that help Emiratis acquire the skills and experience necessary to succeed in the private sector. These efforts have resulted in a noticeable increase in Emirati employment in several industries, including technology, finance, and healthcare.

This recent increase in Emiratis joining the private sector workforce is an encouraging sign for the UAE's economy, and it is expected to continue in the coming years as the government continues to focus on Emiratization initiatives and private sector development. The government's commitment to Emiratization and private sector growth is likely to have a positive impact on the country's economy, creating more job opportunities for Emiratis and boosting the overall competitiveness of the UAE's private sector.


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