The UAE's National Immunisation Programme: A Model for Success in Global Vaccination Effort



The UAE's National Immunisation Programme has been hailed as a major success story by Dr Hussain Abdul Rahman Al Rand, assistant undersecretary for the Public Health Sector. The programme, which has been in place for several years, has made the UAE a world leader in vaccinations, with a high rate of coverage among the population.

Dr Al Rand said that the National Immunisation Programme has become one of the most effective prevention strategies in the world, and is now being looked at as a model for other countries to follow. The programme provides vaccinations against a range of diseases, including measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B, polio, and influenza.

The success of the National Immunisation Programme can be attributed to several factors. One of the key factors is the government's commitment to public health, which has led to significant investment in healthcare infrastructure and resources. This has included the development of a sophisticated electronic database to track vaccination coverage and monitor outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases. Another important factor has been the education and awareness campaigns aimed at parents, healthcare professionals, and the general public. These campaigns have highlighted the importance of vaccinations in preventing the spread of infectious diseases, and have helped to address misconceptions and concerns about vaccine safety. The UAE's success in vaccination is reflected in its high coverage rates. According to the World Health Organization, the UAE has achieved over 90% coverage for most routine childhood vaccinations. This high level of coverage has helped to prevent outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, and has contributed to the UAE's overall good health outcomes. Dr Al Rand said that the National Immunisation Programme is an example of the UAE's commitment to public health, and to playing a leading role in global health efforts. He also stressed the importance of continuing to invest in public health infrastructure, and of maintaining high levels of vaccination coverage to ensure the ongoing success of the programme. In conclusion, the UAE's National Immunisation Programme has been a major success story, helping to make the country a world leader in vaccinations. The programme's success can be attributed to a combination of factors, including government commitment, investment in healthcare infrastructure, education and awareness campaigns, and high vaccination coverage rates. As other countries look to improve their vaccination programmes, they can look to the UAE as a model for success.


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