UAE's Mubadala leads the way in sustainable aviation fuel production with $2.5bn deal in Brazil



The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is stepping up its commitment to fight climate change with Mubadala's $2.5bn deal to set up a sustainable aviation fuel and kerosene plant in Brazil. The deal, stretching over a period of ten years, will produce 1 billion liters of hydrotreated vegetable oil per year, a diesel-like fuel made without fossil resources.

This landmark deal amplifies the UAE's commitment to sustainable measures to fight climate change. With the UAE being one of the largest oil producers in the world, it is imperative for the country to transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources. The project will not only reduce the country's carbon footprint, but also create economic opportunities and jobs.

The deal comes at a time when the world is facing a climate crisis and a dire need for a reduction in carbon emissions. The aviation industry, responsible for a significant portion of global carbon emissions, has been under pressure to find sustainable solutions. This project is a major step in that direction, and Mubadala's leadership in sustainable aviation fuel production is commendable.

It is worth noting that the deal was signed during former Brazilian President Lula's visit to the UAE, his second ever during his presidential tenure in Brazil, where he met with UAE's President Mohammed bin Zayed. This shows the importance of international collaboration in tackling global issues such as climate change.

In conclusion, Mubadala's $2.5bn deal in Brazil is a significant step towards sustainable aviation fuel production, and a testament to the UAE's commitment to fight climate change. This project not only reduces the country's carbon footprint, but also creates economic opportunities and jobs. It is a shining example of how international collaboration can lead to a better and more sustainable future for all.


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