In the Face of a Humanitarian Crisis, the UAE's Commitment to Yemen Through Aid, Economic Support, and Reconstruction Efforts


Yemen's ongoing conflict has caused one of the world's worst humanitarian crises, with millions facing starvation, displacement, and disease. Throughout this crisis, the UAE has been a staunch supporter of the Yemeni people, providing humanitarian aid, economic assistance, and investment in reconstruction efforts.

Noura Al Kaabi, Minister of State, reaffirmed the UAE's vision of 2023 being a year of peace in Yemen at a donor conference organized by Sweden and the Swiss Confederation in collaboration with the UN in Geneva. This vision is not just a wishful thinking, but a concrete plan that the UAE is determined to make a reality.  

One way the UAE is assisting Yemen is by deploying the 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan. This plan aims to provide critical assistance to Yemen's most vulnerable citizens, such as food, water, and medical care. The UAE's dedication to this plan demonstrates its unwavering support for the Yemeni people.

Yemen has received a total of $6.6 billion in aid since 2015, as well as a $300 million deposit to strengthen the local currency. This financial assistance has been critical in assisting Yemen in dealing with the devastating effects of the conflict. Furthermore, the UAE has been investing in reconstruction efforts to assist in the rebuilding of the country.  

This year, the UAE is focusing on reconstruction and rehabilitation projects in Yemen, allocating approximately $325 million to improve the healthcare, renewable energy, and agriculture sectors. One of the major projects supported by the UAE is the construction of a dam for irrigation purposes. This project will not only provide Yemenis with access to clean water, but it will also help to create new economic opportunities.

The statement by Al Kaabi that the time has come to find a solution to Yemen's conflict is an urgent call to action. The UAE has shown its commitment to finding a long-term solution to the conflict by providing humanitarian aid, economic assistance, and investment in reconstruction efforts. With the international community's continued support 


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