Counseling for workers stressed out after working during the pandemic.

The coronavirus pandemic has left hundreds of thousands of people stressed out for various reasons. Many are troubled by the job losses while others have struggled to keep up their work and feed their families in half the payment. 

This has taken a toll on the health of these workers and more than the physical aspect, it has affected mental health. One such worker is 31-year-old Mohammed Afia , who has been working in half payment since May, according to a story in Khaleej Times. He has been stressed out because since May he is unable to send enough money to home, time and again bothering him. 

There is another worker who panicked when he got to know that a lot of his friends had lost jobs and was worried that he might also lose the job. A 27-year-old Adam Swamad, a Cameroonian supervisor in a cleaning company, said that apart from the fear of losing his job, he is scared of contracting the dreaded virus as well. 

As the reports state, both the workers are attending counseling sessions that help them divert their minds of the persisting problems into something productive or interesting. For example, Afia has started putting his worries aside while working while Adam diverts his mind by plating football. 

This initiative has been introduced in their labour accommodations and it has already started showing poise results. The mental health support initiative has started lifting the spirits of these workers and has drastically impacted their moods. This has also been confirmed by Amaan Mpagi Baguma, Quality Health Safety and Environmental officer at Razeen workers' city in Abu Dhabi. This team has been trained in a way that they can very well address the stress reasons and causes of these workers and help them overcome it. 

Last month, a campaign called ‘You Matter’ was launched by the Department of Community Development in collaboration with Abu Dhabi Emergency Crisis and Disasters Committee for Covid-19 Pandemic. 

This campaign is not restricted to workplaces but also the residential areas where these workers live, It has been designed for people in eight languages so attain the maximum reach possible out of this initiative. 

A telephone line has also been introduced for the workers who want to seek help in relation with their mental health. If they are feeling sad, anxious or have any thoughts of self-harm or are extremely, they can contact 800937292. This call will be answered by a trained responder who will peacefully deal with the issue.



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