UK can play a major role in country's future



British companies should "seize an opportunity in Libya" and get more involved in the country, the Libyan ambassador to the UK told The National. Salah Mrehil said elections are key to solving the country's long-standing political problems but he hopes Britain can play an important role in his country's future. you take no risk,you get no profit."

In early November, the Libyan British Business Council will host a business delegation in Tripoli to meet with Libyan business leaders from the public and private sectors. With the support of Caroline Hurndall, British Ambassador to Libya and the UK Department for International Trade. , the trip, the first of its kind in several years, will bring together Libyan and British companies to meet the needs of the wider economy. Focusing on oil and gas, banking, infrastructure and energy,
brings together at least 30 British entrepreneurs with leaders from key Libyan industries including the National Petroleum Corporation and the Libyan Renewable Energy Agency. Libya's confrontational policies, sitting on Africa's largest proven oil reserves, come at a high price. The country's oil production resumed in July after three years. a month-long hiatus following the blockade of ports and fields by rival armed groups in eastern Libya.


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