The anniversary of pro-reform movement in Iraq



Roads leading to the Green Zone, the seat of key government offices, Parliament and foreign embassies as well as residences of senior politicians, were also blocked.
Concrete blast walls were erected on Al Jumhuriya Bridge leading to the fortified zone, with security personnel stationed top, behind sand bags.
On Friday, security forces conducted door-to-door search operations in the nearby Karrada neighbourhood where many activists live and operate. Posters of politicians with crosses on their faces and flyers were confiscated.
Protesters waved Iraqi flags or draped them over their shoulders as they gathered on Saturday, with many carrying photos of loved ones who were killed by security forces during the protests.
“Whether you kill ten or one hundred we will not abandon our cause,” they chanted, repeating one of the popular slogans of 2019 protests.
"We are out today against the agents who have been ruling Iraq for more than 20 years now without any legal basis through rigged elections, and they want to continue," 


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