Mohammed bin Zayed's role in resolving the Russian-Ukrainian crisis


Mohammed bin Zayed

The visit of the President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, to Russia played a “significant” role in boosting efforts to reach a resolution to the Russia-Ukraine war.

Recently, the UAE president held talks with RussianPresident Vladimir Putin in St. Petersburg about the Russia-Ukraine crisis. The president said that the UAE can act as a mediator in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. The Russian president reportedly said that the mediation efforts by the UAE has helped “move toward resolving the situation.”

MBZ highlighted the UAE’s keenness to support Russia to resolve the matter. Putin also praised Sheikh Mohammed for his efforts to solve the crisis.

According to the UAE's foreign ministry, the visit was intended to help Russia in finding "effective political solutions" to the Ukrainian situation. After the meeting, the UAE president also said that they had agreed on “the importance of engaging in dialogue to reduce tensions and arrive at a diplomatic solution.”

Earlier, UAE presidential adviser Anwar Gargash said that the UAE’s priority was to “encourage all parties to resort to diplomatic action” on the crisis. Earlier, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also called the UAE’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan to highlight the “importance of building a strong international response to solve the crisis.”

Since the start of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the UAE has always called for a peaceful solution. The UAE aims to contribute to achieving security and stability on a regional and global scale.

Earlier, the UAE offered $5 million in humanitarian aid to the United Nations’ Humanitarian Flash Appeal and the Regional Refugee Response Plan under the directives of the UAE President to help people impacted by the Russia-Ukraine war. The UAE also called for the protection of civilians.


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