Biden to travel to Egypt for Cop27



US President Joe Biden will travel to Egypt to attend the COP27 climate summit on Nov. 11, the White House said on Friday, before traveling to Asia for other global gatherings. The United States is committed to advancing the global fight on climate and helping the most vulnerable build resilience to climate impacts, and will highlight the need for world action," the White House said. Mr. Biden attended the last

UN climate summit in November. 2021, which took place in Glasgow, UK. There he called for a decade of climate protection. After Cop27, he will travel to Cambodia on November 12-13 to attend the annual US-ASEAN summit and then to East Asia. Summit, the White House said.

After that, Biden will visit Indonesia on November 13-16 to attend the Group of 20 leaders' summit, he added. US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has said in recent weeks that Biden has "no plans" to meet Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman at the summit amid tensions over oil


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