Egypt defends rights record as it prepares to welcome world at Cop27



Egypt is preparing to take the political spotlight when the Cop27 world summit begins on Sunday. The UN climate talks come at a time when the most populous Arab nation faces difficult economic decisions, caused in part by the pandemic. During the two-week gathering in the Red Sea resort of Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt will primarily don its African hat and take on the role of flag-bearer for a continent struggling to persuade the industrialized West to provide it with the means it needs to turn away of fossil fuels and adaptation to climate change. 

The country has rapidly expanded its use of clean, renewable energy, signing multi-million dollar contracts to produce green fuel. .

The November 6-18 summit is expected to attract 45,000 delegates, including 100 leaders, including US President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. Organizing such a large gathering for a historic event has already raised its international profile and provided an opportunity to demonstrate its role as a regional power that enjoys close ties to its neighborhood and beyond. in the fight against climate change and at the same time against an economic crisis caused mainly by the consequences of the war between Russia and Ukraine and the coronavirus pandemic.



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