Covid surge despite new curbs in China


China - Covid 19

China is facing another Covid-19 outbreak despite new curbs. It forced the government to put a lockdown on the northwest Chinese city of Xian. People are unable to leave their homes and are dependent on online deliveries of basic items.

Xian reported 151 domestically transmitted infections with confirmed symptoms on Tuesday. The total number of local Xian Covid cases was nearly 1,000 during the December 9-28 period. Reportedly,  the lockdown in Xian is one of the largest lockdowns in the country this year. However, no cases of the Omicron variant have been announced in Xian. To tackle the further spread of Covid-19, authorities are taking strict action.

Covid-19 in Xian

Xian has also cancelled all flights and trains from the city to tackle the further spread of the virus. Xian has also faced a spike in hemorrhagic fever cases in recent days. Authorities are tense because the Beijing Winter Olympics is around the corner. So the authorities put all residential communities under closed management in the city of 13 million people. Reportedly,  in-person shopping could be resumed for people in less risky areas once mass testing returned negative results.

Since Monday, the Xian government has stopped granting permission to people to buy essentials from outside. They were advised to do online shopping, as epidemic containment measures rose a notch. Mainland China had 101,683 confirmed symptomatic cases as of Tuesday.  The Chinese authorities reported a case of Omicron variant on December 13 in Tianjin city. Subsequently, a few more cases were reported from other cities. The surge in Covid-19 cases ahead of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics has sparked concerns as officials scampered to tackle the further spread of the infection.  The government reportedly also requested people to strictly follow the zero policy as the Beijing Winter Olympic is around the corner.


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