UAE assists Palestine against COVID-19, sends 16 tonnes of medical aid

-Monica Aggarwal

As the global efforts to tackle the transmission of COVID-19 virus continue, the UAE has transferred 16 tonnes of urgent medical supplies to Palestine to support the country's fight against the pandemic. Releasing a statement on May 19, Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process (UNSCO) has expressed gratitude towards the UAE government for its assistance to Palestine during the difficult time.

According to the statement, the supplies include personal protective equipment (PPE) and other medical equipment, including 10 highly-needed ventilators to treat the infected the patients. The UN also noted that the UAE's aid is in line with the UN COVID-19 Response Plan for the occupied Palestinian territory, which provides assistance to the efforts of the government in battling the global health pandemic and mitigating its impact.

Nickolay Mladenov, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, also appreciated the initiative taken by the UAE government in supporting the Palestinian population through the crisis. He acknowledged that the UAE is an important partner for Palestine whose continued support for the people of the country is highly valued at this critical time.

Lana Zaki Nusseibeh, UAE's Permanent Representative to the UN in New York, hailed the efforts taken by the UNSCO in facilitating the UAE's support for Palestine and its people.

As the world grapples with the health pandemic, the UAE has emerged as one of the leading contributors providing COVID-19 aid in the world. It has delivered more than 500 metric tonnes of medical aid to almost 47 countries across the globe. On Thursday, the Emirates sent a plane carrying 7 metric tonnes of medical supplies to Union of the Comoros which will provide support to thousands of medical professionals. Furthermore, the UAE has sent a total of 136 tonnes of medical aid including pharmaceuticals and other pharmaceutical supplies to assist the health sector of Sudan.

Meanwhile, Palestine has 398 confirmed Coronavirus cases as of May 21. In the aftermath of lockdown restrictions, thousands of Palestinians have lost their jobs, and the economy is facing severe crises.

On May 20, Nickolay Mladenov raised the concerns over the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 on the people of Palestine.

"Tens of thousands of Palestinians have lost their jobs, small and medium-sized enterprises are unable to operate, children cannot attend school in person, and violence against women and children has increased. As always, the most vulnerable are at the greatest risk of suffering. Recent gains in Gaza on water, sanitation, electricity, and livelihoods are at extreme risk of being fully reversed," he said.

KEYWORDS: UAE, Palestine, Palestinian, Palestine Coronavirus, UAE medical aid, UN, COVID-19

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