Origin of Covid-19: Donald Trump’s call for conclusive report

United States Secretary of State Michael Pompeo claimed “enormous evidence” endorse that, Corona virus outbreak began in the Wuhan laboratory. But, Pompea didn’t provide any proof for his claims about the starter point of Corona Pandemic. But, Pompea said to media that, he can identify a significant amount of evidence that Covid-19 came from that laboratory in Wuhan. He also exclaimed that, this isn't the first time that world suffered to viruses which breakout as a result of failures in a Chinese lab.

United President Donald Trump have began accrediting China laboratory as the only for the breakout of corona virus and thus the Secretary of State adjoins him in blaming China for corona pandemic. On a step-ahead, Donald Trump have promised that, the United States govt will be providing a detailed report very soon, which will describe about the Chinese origin of ongoing coronavirus outbreak. Donald Trump also claimed that, he doubts that Beijing had misled the entire world into a worst threat to humanity by covering the real terms and reasons.

Donald Trump attended “virtual town hall” hosted by Fox News on Sunday(May 3,2020) and he was asked about the virus' origin and evidence for it. Trump replied in a way that was directly pointing China and a research conducted in a laboratory in the central Chinese city of Wuhan. Trump also said, “We will be giving a very strong report on what we think happened, and I think it will be very conclusive,”. Trump also said, he have a personal thought that Chinese have committed a big mistake by covering the origin of Corona virus.

Earlier on May 3,2020 the Associated Press reported that United States officials have a belief that to stock up on medical supplies needed to cure corona virus, China have covered the outbreak and caused threat to humanity.

Meanwhile in United States, the number of confirmed Covid-19 cases have reached 1.18 million, the number of deaths caused is 68,465 in total and 1,53,000 people have recovered. The curable rate of covid-19 is only 10% so far, which is not so good for such a populated and grown-up nation. Amid these numbers, statements from Donald Trump about the origin of corona virus have raised the bar of US-China tensions to vast extent.

Adding spice, there are already exposed proofs that Wuhan Institute of Virology was studying and researching about bat-borne coronaviruses. The Director of Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, said last month that “there is absolutely no way that the virus originated from our institute.”

Over to this side, Secretary of State Pompea strongly condemned that corona virus is absolutely a man-made one and a report Office of the Director of National Intelligence have already explained it indirectly. After all the allegations made by him, Pompea was asked "Did China broke the virus into the world intentinally?". He replied,"I don’t have anything to say about that,".

Let's hope that, the conclusive report quoted by Donald Trump will definitely answer for all the questions about the 'Origin of Corona Pandemic'.


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