What the Gulf nations can learn from UAE’s Covid-19 combat plan

s Covid-19
combat plan
helped the nation sail through the hardest splash of
coronavirus wave. The nation was quick in implementing few measures to mitigate the
impact of pandemic outbreak. It emphasised on actively reaching out the community
members and increasing testing to detect and treat more individuals. Besides, the nation
ensured equal access to medical facilities to all its residents including both nationals and
In order to provide economic and medical relief to its residents, especially the migrant
workers, UAE government made sure that the workers
obtained their
s even if they
were not working (due to coronavirus infection) and were receiving proper treatment.
The nation, where population comprises about 90% foreigners, was quick to realise the
need to ensure their economic, mental and physical safety. The UAE’s federal
government implemented a rule giving the workers the option of taking an early leave,
which allowed them to return to their country on
y basis until the end of the
crisis. It saved many from the nightmare of losing their livelihood.
As the government approached gradual lifting of the lockdown, it allowed the business to
run with 30% of workforce in one facility along with worker safety and social distancing
norms in place. Besides, the UAE also committed to ensure social distancing in public
transportations. The government strongly believed that the virus, which has brought
global economy to standstill, can be won over by implementing slightly different
strategies, including (a) reduced licensing fees, (b) rent reductions and (c) increased
flexibility with employees as regards the free zones in which individuals are permitted to
, the country has emerged as a role model for helping other nations in times of
adversity. UAE was not only quick in providing relief to residents at home but was also
among the first few nations to send medical supplies to its neighbours and allies.
Celebrating the true spirit of Ramadan, and observing the Zayed Humanitarian Day
Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan,
Foreign Affairs Minister, shared the importance of
human giving and philanthropy as a model for the world to follow.
"The COVID-19 crisis has exposed the necessity of prioritising humanitarian work and
ensuring global synergy and concerted action by all countries of the world in the face of
the pandemic," he said
Till April alone, the UAE had sent
more than
450 tonnes of aid to Europe, Africa, Asia and
the Americas,
and shipped medical and other supplies to over 30 nations.
Last week, the country sent about seven metric tonnes of aid to Sierra Leona to help
7,000 medical professionals, in addition to
six metric tonnes
of supplies to both Niger and
Mali each, in order to provide much needed assistance to 6,000 medical professionals in
both the nations
s Covid-19
combat plan
helped the nation sail through the hardest splash of
coronavirus wave. The nation was quick in implementing few measures to mitigate the
impact of pandemic outbreak. It emphasised on actively reaching out the community
members and increasing testing to detect and treat more individuals. Besides, the nation
ensured equal access to medical facilities to all its residents including both nationals and
In order to provide economic and medical relief to its residents, especially the migrant
workers, UAE government made sure that the workers
obtained their
s even if they
were not working (due to coronavirus infection) and were receiving proper treatment.
The nation, where population comprises about 90% foreigners, was quick to realise the
need to ensure their economic, mental and physical safety. The UAE’s federal
government implemented a rule giving the workers the option of taking an early leave,
which allowed them to return to their country on
y basis until the end of the
crisis. It saved many from the nightmare of losing their livelihood.
As the government approached gradual lifting of the lockdown, it allowed the business to
run with 30% of workforce in one facility along with worker safety and social distancing
norms in place. Besides, the UAE also committed to ensure social distancing in public
transportations. The government strongly believed that the virus, which has brought
global economy to standstill, can be won over by implementing slightly different
strategies, including (a) reduced licensing fees, (b) rent reductions and (c) increased
flexibility with employees as regards the free zones in which individuals are permitted to
, the country has emerged as a role model for helping other nations in times of
adversity. UAE was not only quick in providing relief to residents at home but was also
among the first few nations to send medical supplies to its neighbours and allies.
Celebrating the true spirit of Ramadan, and observing the Zayed Humanitarian Day
Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan,
Foreign Affairs Minister, shared the importance of
human giving and philanthropy as a model for the world to follow.
"The COVID-19 crisis has exposed the necessity of prioritising humanitarian work and
ensuring global synergy and concerted action by all countries of the world in the face of
the pandemic," he said
Till April alone, the UAE had sent
more than
450 tonnes of aid to Europe, Africa, Asia and
the Americas,
and shipped medical and other supplies to over 30 nations.
Last week, the country sent about seven metric tonnes of aid to Sierra Leona to help
7,000 medical professionals, in addition to
six metric tonnes
of supplies to both Niger and
Mali each, in order to provide much needed assistance to 6,000 medical professionals in
both the nations


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