“UAE Stands Over the Money Laundering Acts and Fight Against Terrorism”


Here’s something good that I want to share with what I read today. It’s about the Financial Information Unit of the UAE's national bank has marked a reminder of comprehension with the China Anti-Money Laundering Monitoring and Analysis Center to share monetary data to help the fighting of illegal tax avoidance and psychological warfare financing.


It’s surprising how the MOU will see the two specialists trading exchange data identified with their individual examinations, as per the neighborhood laws and guidelines material in the two nations. In fact, they will proceed with their unremitting joint endeavors to stand up to all dubious exercises at the territorial and worldwide levels, and they will also attempt to diminish the dangers these exercises posture to the steadiness and respectability of the worldwide monetary framework. For me, this kind of gesture makes UAE the biggest market for Chinese fares, and the second biggest exchanging accomplice for China the Arab world.


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