UAE relaxes Islamic law for personal freedom.

The United Arab Emirates has made some changes in the Islamic law that relaxes alcohol consumption and cohabitation. The nation on Saturday announced criminalisation of ‘honor killings’, an age-old regressive culture of killing a person by the perpetrator who believes that the victim has brought shame or dishonor upon the family.

While addressing the press, the government officials said that these reforms will be adding to the efforts that will improve legislation and will also provide a better platform for investment opportunities in the country. The officials also asserted that this will help in consolidating ‘tolerance principle’.

Emirati film-maker Abdalla Al Kaabi said, “I could not be happier for these new laws that are progressive and proactive.” The filmmaker is known to deal with topics such as homosexualitu and gender identity. He said that 2020 has been a tough and transformative year for the UAE.

The government is yet to disclose detailed structure of these laws and changes but it was made clear that these laws are effective immediately in the country to continue its move towards a progressive environment and explore the emirati nation for foreign direct investments. 

As of now, the UAE has people living from as many as 200 nationalities and the country is making a point to serve each of these nationalities to some extent. With the introduction of amendments in the new law, areas that regulate crucial personal and civil laws will have a provision for the non-Emiratis so that they can work according to the law of their home countries. 

This change of law essentially means that laws of a person’s home country can be used for divorces and inheritance. Sharia law in such cases will not be always used. In a sense, the kind of rapid reform that the country is targeting shows its attempt to change its profile in front of the world forum. 

The nation is considered as the sky-scrapper leading destination or a culturally diverse region by the western tourists but now, with these laws, the country will promote itself as a liveable, high on lifestyle and technologically advanced nation. These lifestyle changes are brought to not only invite investments but also change the image of the nation. 

These changes will help the rulers to keep up with the changing norms and practices in their country.



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