Law issues on drone regulations

On July 4, 2020, HH Sheikh Mohammed announced that it will issue certain laws regarding drone regulations.

This is with the aim to reduce drone activity and specifies the duties and responsibilities of relevant authorities. This is with regards to boosting the business of drones, including manufacturing and logistics. It will also help promote Dubai as a hub for drone manufacturing, smart transportation, and innovation, as well as enable public and private entities to use drones and provide drone-related services.

According to the law, the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority is tasked with overseeing the implementation of the law and managing all related operations and activities in line with federal legislation and international treaties and conventions, under which controlling and managing droning activities within the emirate.

Dubai Police has a big role to play in this matter as they will be the ones who will be looking after all the illegal activities that are being conducted with the help of drones.

In accordance with the law, all individuals, other than authorized personnel, are prohibited from operating drones in controlled airspaces designated for civilian or military aircraft. The Dubai Civil Aviation Authority may allow select drone operations in controlled airspace in accordance with specific regulations, provided they do not affect civil aviation.

All individuals are prohibited from operating drones in restricted and dangerous areas. The Dubai Civil Aviation Authority in coordination with Dubai Police may allow government agencies to use drones for security, rescue, firefighting, surveillance, or other purposes that are in the public interest.

It remains to be seen what revelations these regulations bring about and how will it benefit the emirate.


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