Xi urges BRICS to unite as single family and avoid tiny circles


China - Xi Jinping - BRICS

Chinese President Xi Jinping praised the BRICS mechanism for displaying resiliency and vitality during the current global crisis in a virtual speech at the 14th BRICS Summit in Beijing on Thursday. He urged the mechanism to remain open and inclusive in order to welcome like-minded partners to join the large BRICS family, while vehemently opposing the misuse of unilateral sanctions and rejecting "small circles" centered on hegemony.

Chinese analysts said the summit sent a strong message to the world that multilateral institutions formed by major non-Western economies, like BRICS, can effectively represent the majority of the international community in making joint efforts in addition to Western-dominated organizations that have hurt the global economy through bloc-to-bloc conflict and misuse of sanctions.

A laborious global economic recovery, the continuous spread of COVID-19, and more pressing challenges with peace and security have plagued the world in recent months, according to Xi. The BRICS nations have embraced the BRICS spirit of openness, inclusivity, and win-win cooperation, strengthened solidarity and coordination, and collectively taken on the challenges in the face of these daunting and complicated circumstances. The BRICS mechanism has proven to be robust and resilient. The BRICS collaboration has produced solid advancements and outcomes.

Xi emphasized that this Summit is taking place at a pivotal time in determining how humankind will develop in the future. The BRICS nations must behave responsibly to contribute beneficial, stabilizing, and constructive strength to the globe as important emerging markets and significant developing nations.

Oppose sanctions, hegemony

"For equity and justice, we must speak up. The world needs to be urged to reject the Cold War mentality and bloc confrontation, oppose unilateral sanctions and the abuse of sanctions, and reject the small circles built around hegemony by forming one big family with a shared future for humanity. We also need to encourage the international community to practice true multilateralism and uphold the international system with the UN at its core and the international order underpinned by international law,” Says Xi.

In the speech delivered on the subject of "Some countries are now seeking absolute security via expansion of military alliances to force other countries to take sides and create bloc confrontation, to overlook other countries' interests and rights and seek supremacy," Xi said in a speech with the other BRICS leaders. The globe will grow more unstable and unstable if we allow this dangerous trend to continue. "

An anonymous top foreign relations specialist from Beijing claimed that anyone who is versed in world politics can quickly identify the "certain countries" that the Chinese president has attacked.

Emerging non-Western powers

Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, said: "The nations that make up this group have been attempting to increase their coordination on all international and regional issues." The reputation and global significance of the BRICS framework have been steadily rising. Since the five BRICS nations have enormous political, economic, scientific, technological, and human potential, this is an objective process.

In order to ensure global stability and security, continuous progress and prosperity, and improved well-being for our people, Putin added, "We have everything we need to work together and achieve results."

 The BRICS Summit was covered by Western media from a unique perspective, for example, by claiming that an "isolated" Russia attended a multilateral summit with other significant economies.

Due to the attention being focused on the Ukrainecrisis in Western mainstream media, many issues in developing nations have been marginalized, analysts claim. As a result, the international community has been less interested in and supportive of developing nations in areas like Africa and the Middle East.

As many developing nations are now a part of the BRICS Plus platform, this means that BRICS is an organization made up of major economies that will pay attention to these issues. According to experts, attempting to bring about global recovery without resolving issues in developing countries will not be successful.


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