UAE begins vaccination process with Sinopharm for free of cost

The United Arab Emirates has started the national vaccination program as it has introduced Sinopharm’s vaccine as the national vaccine to fight the dreaded coronavirus. The chinese-developed vaccine is created by inactivated coronavirus.

The EMirati natin plans to vaccinate half of its population by the end of the first quarter of 2021 and till now it has already inoculated eight percent of the entire population. Considering the pace of the vaccination campaign, it will not be wrong to say that the aim to inoculate 50 percent of the population is definitely realistic.

As of now, the UAE is the second most vaccinated country in the world and all the credit goes to the authorities of the nation who with rigorous and consistent efforts made sure that they not only curb the spread of the virus among people but also give them the vaccination without much delay.

The country is aiming to achieve herd immunity by vaccinating 70 percent of the population by the end of this new year. Till now, Sinopharm has delivered three million doses to the UAE. 

Not only this, but to encourage more and more people to take vaccine shots, it has decided to give it free of cost to its residents. The nation has till now administered more than 826,000 doses so far and hopes to increase vaccine shots on a per day basis.

But to not compromise on the supplies of the vaccine, the financial capital, Dubai, is also making sure to provide Pfizer free of cost. People can be a part of the vaccination campaign and choose to get their vaccinations shots from either of the vaccines.

The UAE approved Sinopharm on December 9 and since then it has reneged in planning out the conduct of this vaccination campaign. The approval was only granted after the UAE health officials found the vaccine to be 100 percent safe for public use especially considering that the elderly will be the first ones to be receiving the vaccination.

Even though the vaccine is free of cost, authorities are making sure to vaccinate people according to a priority list, which gives preference to the elderly and those with chronic diseases. Middle aged and young people will also be getting the vaccination but they will stand at the later part of the priority list. 


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