UAE assures Kingdom of Morocco of support in keeping integrity of its territory

The United Arab Emirates has further strengthened its relationship with the kingdom of Morocco with the Minister of Froeign Affairs and International Cooperation H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan ensured his support to the sovereignty of nations especially  over the entire region of Moroccan Sahara.

The UAE promised that the help will be provided to the kingdom whenever in need which includes all the measures that Morrocn kingdom is ensuring to keep the integrity of its region and its citizens intact. The UAE also extended its support to Morocco’s autonomous region of Moroccan Sahara.

Minister of Foreign Minister Al Nahyan said, “I’d like to start by expressing my sincere regards and appreciation for participating in this visual communication under the current tough circumstances the world is going through as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. I pray to Allah Almighty to lift the blight and bless the global community with peace, reassurance and prosperity.”

The meeting was arranged by the United States and the Morrocan side through a video conference to discuss the support of UAE to Mooccan Sahara. The US side was represented by the Assistant to the US Secretary of State, David Schenker, and Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nasser Bourita, was there to take the lead from Moroccan side.

"I’d like also to express my sincere thanks to the sisterly Kingdom of Morocco and to the friendly United States of America for their efforts to prepare and organise this conference and for inviting the UAE to participate in this meeting which, I wish, will come up with positive outcome that support the ambitions of the Kingdom of Morocco," said the Al Nahyan.

He added that the UAE will keep supporting the Kingdom of Morocco in all its international and regional issues. All the support necessary to ensure security to its citizens and its autonomous region. The UAE supports Morocco’s autonomy initiative, said Al Nahyan.

The UAE had earlier opened a consulate in Laayoune in Southern Morocco. The Foreign Minister also talked about the development from UAE’s side saying that a historical relation had been established between  UAE and Kingdom of Morocco where the two nations share the vision leadership wise as well as strategically.

Al Nahayan concluded his statement saying that there will be a proper coordination and communication between the nations. UAE will keep its effective role in ensuring Morocco’s sovereignty and stability in the entire region. 


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