Indo-Pacific geopolitical strength to be on show in coming days, experts predict

Washington - Indio Pacific

In recent years, there is an increase in interest from the United States towards the Indo-Pacific regions.

Even officials from Washington highlighted that America has been exposed with the situation in the region and can’t wait to find its ground or rather pay with its strengths in and around it.

Kurt Campbell, the US National Security Council coordinator dedicated to the Indo-Pacific region highlighted that in the coming days, Washington is preparing itself for Chinese acts.

China seems to be the main reason why the US has doubled its interest in this particular territory. There is no way that the western nation can agree to Chinese dominance in the region.

Well aware of its acts towards Taiwan, the US will be very careful in handling the situation. It is hence, this time, investing more on common geopolitical goals. America's concerns grew after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which it could not avoid despite best attempts.

China’s hold is growing stronger in the region and the United States is not unaware of the matter and hence the obvious inclination towards Indo-Pacific region. China's need and greed for expansion is making it invest in the region in various sectors ranging from economy to politics.

The US attempts to counter it. Forming the Quad group with India, Japan and Australia was one of the steps that it had taken for it. Though the official objective seems to focus on the ties among the four, analysts have very well acknowledged that it indeed is to keep a check on China’s activities in the region. 


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