Does Donald Trump make use of Corona pandemic crisis to regulate Immigration policies in USA?

Corona Pandemic which emerged from Wuhan, China have now spread to almost every nation in the world and no matter the nation is an developed nor developing one. The deadly virus didn't spare any nation and have vigorously spread all-over; which includes developed nations on the west and eat.

Talking about United States, the corona virus was declared a 'pandemic' only after seeing the adverse effects it caused in such a developed nation. Donald Trump, The President of United States of America  made immediate changes, regulated lockdown policies, built new hospitals, funds medical researchers to get through a proper vaccine to fight corona pandemic. But, the orders that Trump signed and announced about the Immigration policies was something unexpected.

President Donald Trump on April 22 signed an order to temporarily block some foreigners from permanent residence in the United States. The order is to last for 60 days and then will be reviewed and possibly extended. Donald Trump quoted about the order and said that, he was doing so in order to protect American workers during the coronavirus pandemic.

Experts on political analysts suggest that, the elected President of America-Donald Trump who is building the border wall on the edges of the Nation, is now trying to bring them inside the minds of people, statements of Government and Government policies by passing such an order about 'immigration' & 'foreigners'. They also suggest that, Trump tires to use this corona pandemic situation for his own will.

Corona Pandemic have attained 9,27,000 confirmed cases and caused the death of 52,400 of Americans so far, whereas 1,01,000 were recovered from the virus. Technically, USA is in middle of red-hot pandemic which have to controlled without any delay. The need for Doctors, nurses and health-workers in private hospitals raised to alarming rate since the month of February.

Meanwhile in California, Pamela Austin, a recruiter at Adventist Health Bakersfield, made seven job offers to foreign nurses in February and just finished a first round of interviews with 12 more candidates. They are from all over the world, including the United Kingdom, Philippines, Australia and Malaysia. Pamela explained that, the need for foreign doctors, nurses is not just because of the count but the need for their experience. Because, most of US nurses are fresh graduates and it's hard for them to handle the pandemic. He also said that, the order passed by Donald Trump will never get them in USA and Trump have to really concern about the lives of Americans than the jobs of Americans.

The official announcement  signed by Trump on Wednesday, excludes temporary non-immigrant visas for thousands of workers a year, along with farm workers, software engineers and others in fields deemed to have labor shortages. It doesn't apply to green-card applicants already in the United States. Whereas, US citizens' spouse, children are free from the order but all others such as parents, adult children, grandchildren, adult siblings and other relatives were counted in it.

A Los Angles immigration attorney who used to advise hospitals, said that Trump's order would exempt nurses from foreign nation, instead it have exempted only health care workers whose work is considered an essential during corona pandemic. Companies which give advises people on green cards says an estimation that about 358,000 applicants a year would be unable to get permanent residency if Trump's order were extended.

The Trump's order about the immigration have right now marked a big question mark about the future of many foreigners who stays, lives, studies and works in the United States of America. Trump's statement and answers to the Press caused the question mark to turn red and even bigger.

Donald Trump said to the Press that, he may extend the recent order about immigration or modify it. Also, it may happen in next week or may take two much and it totally depends on the situation. He also said, “We don’t want to hurt our businesses, and we don’t want to hurt our farmers, Very important.”

Joe Biden, American Politician and Trump’s well-known Political rival in November's election, made a statement that  the order about immigration is an attempt to divert attention from the president's handling of the pandemic.

However, America is home and business place for various nationalities and everyone hopes that Trump's orders about immigrations are temporary and will be modified after corona pandemic.


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