US Senate intends to study the role of China and in the distribution of COVID-19

The US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs intends to examine the circumstances surrounding the emergence of coronavirus, in particular the role of China and the World Health Organization (WHO) in the spread of infection.  This was announced by committee chairman Ron Johnson.
 “Where did it all begin?  Was it Transmitted from animal to human?  Was he distributed from a laboratory in China?  Perhaps there were best intentions to develop different methods, methods of treating coronavirus as a whole.  We need to know what role WHO could play in hiding this information, ”he said.
 In addition, senators intend to find out why the United States was not sufficiently prepared for the possible danger, why the necessary medical equipment and drugs are manufactured abroad and there is a shortage of them in the country, as well as how the virus spread, and what was WHO's primary response to the outbreak.
 The Senate believes that China and WHO have not taken enough measures to prevent a pandemic.
 Johnson noted that the United States was taken by surprise by a pandemic, and admitted that with better information, the country could, in particular, produce more accurate coronavirus test systems.
 Earlier that day, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called for finding the perpetrator of the spread of coronavirus, and also accused China of delaying the provision of data on COVID-19.  In his opinion, the world community learned about the infection too late.
 At the same time, the media report that intelligence reported to U.S. President Donald Trump about the dangers of a coronavirus outbreak back in late November 2019.  The American leader himself repeatedly called the virus "Chinese" and criticized WHO for focusing on the situation with COVID-19 in China.  He noted that the organization is financed mainly by the United States, but at the same time, from the very outbreak, it gave erroneous, in his opinion, recommendations.
 Senator Martha Maxalli even urged WHO Director-General Tedros Gebraisus to resign, claiming he provided underestimated data on the situation with coronavirus in China.
 An outbreak of COVID-19 pneumonia caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus occurred in Wuhan, China, in late December.  Outside of China, the disease was diagnosed in patients in more than 180 countries.  On March 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the world's largest coronavirus pandemic.  According to Worldometer, on April 14, more than 1.9 million cases of the disease were confirmed in the world, 119 thousand people died.


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