UAE promotes peace, coexistence as it makes a home for Indian community

India - UAE

India- UAE ties have been growing beyond diplomatic partnerships. The Arab nations exhibit a huge community of the Indian nations on its territory and have shown the world how different communities peacefully sustain regional dialogue.

A lot of Indians living in the UAE feel that they have a very secure atmosphere there and they feel at home and at peace. Not only this but the UAE has also provided the Indian community with a lot of opportunities too so that it makes living apart from their family easier.

The UAE has made an attempt to make a healthy atmosphere for Indians by ensuring that even during some of the major festivals, they do not feel left out from their family.

The way the Arab nation has created not only a livable but a positive environment for the Indian community proves how much they regard different faiths and their involvement in betterment of the nation.

Both nations share very strong cultural values which makes it easier for the UAE leadership to understand what it means to stay away from their primary culture. One of the examples will be the way UAE celebrates Diwali.

Diwali is primarily a festival celebrated by Indians in India but UAE makes an effort to organize extravagant programs, events and functions for the Indian communities in the Emirati nation. This also gives an opportunity to the Emirati residents to be a part of the Indian culture and understand their traditions.

Due to sharing such strong values for their country and culture, the mutual respect established between the UAE and India is very much appreciated. This essentially became the reason for establishment of Indian-Emirati Cultural council which will be overseeing all the programs for the Indian communities held in the UAE. 


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