Anti-migrant protests turns violent in Chile

Chile - Anti migrant protests

Chile has been witnessing protestos for over months against the government for not giving them proper rights and amenities to survive during the pandemic. But this time the demand they kept before them was related to immigration.

On Sunday, some of the violent protestors marched towards the migrant camps and destroyed them amid the already increasing tensions over border controls.

Many pictures that were circulated in social media showed how protestors broke the tent structures and beddings in the northern city of Iquique of the migrant workers. It was found that many migrants kept on entering Chile despite border restrictions.

The Chilean government had already announced covid-19 protocols in border areas but some of the migrants kept on coming from Venezuela and many other neighboring countries to Chile.

This majorly happened because Chile happens to be one of the wealthiest countries in the region.

The only issue that the nation is witnessing presently are the continuous protests that have gripped the country inside a vicious circle. Protesters were seen holding banners saying "This can't go on.”

A report in local media revealed that a group of protestors had allegedly attacked a migrant worker. Even on social media, a lot of videos were seen on streets and they were crossing over the man who was lying on the ground. 


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