
Showing posts from January, 2021

UAE- India discuss ways to enhance bilateral ties

In an effort to enhance their bilateral ties, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, who is also the Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces and the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi discusses ways to have a mutual growth in the issues which are of common interests to the two countries. The two leaders discussed on Thursday over on a phone call about how the two can move forwards with their bilateral relations and spread light over the strategic partnership where they will also be looking at the regional as well as global issues. They have reportedly discussed the development in the region in the last few years. Apart from this, Crown Prince Zayed Nahyan and PM Modi discussed the latest progress in handling the Covid-19 pandemic and shared ways to help each other in this global crisis. The two nations have also ensured each other of proper response and cooperation in exchanging information, expertise with each other as they strengthen the

Abu Dhabi’s 7-year-old becomes Oxford’s youngest AI intern, builds ‘'Wikipedia for Special'

   A 7-year-old Abu Dhabi girl, Saanvi Chouraria, became the youngest child to complete an internship in artificial intelligence at the University of Oxford. The wiz kid also holds a certification in coding from Google.   Her proud parents, Annu Chouraria and Abhishek Chouraria, said that they wanted to inculcate digital skills in their daughter from a very young age. "Saanvi is a very logical-minded and inquisitive kid. We thought of introducing her to the world of AI as we knew that it would be among the most sought-after skills in future," her mother said.   The young genius made most of the pandemic-induced lockdown. With 'stay home' and e-learning arrangements Saanvi’s parents found that she still had extras hours to learn new things. Hence they decided to introduce her to the world of computing, coding and AI.   About her newly acquired digital expertise, the Grade 2 student of Pearl Academy Abu Dhabi, said, “I find coding very interesting. I love to explo

Sustainability Pavilion welcomes visitors ahead of Dubai Expo 2020

Investors and businessmen all around the world are eagerly waiting for the Dubai 2020 expo and the authorities who are involved in making it all come together are also putting their best foot forward to ensure that nobody is left disappointed by the preparations for the Expo. A section of the Expo opened for the tourists and residents on Friday for the first time since its announcement. This time, keeping one of the sub themes--sustainability--of the expo in consideration, a sustainability pavilion has been created, which is essentially a huge sunshade that encircles all over by solar-powered trees. The enormous facility also includes green energy solutions. Nine months ahead of the expo’s formal inauguration, this section became the first to open to accept visitors. In the following months, two other pavilions based on the theme of mobility and opportunity will debut. The probable month for this April, with which all the three pavilions will be launched under pavilions premiere

UAE assures Kingdom of Morocco of support in keeping integrity of its territory

The  United Arab Emirates has further strengthened its relationship with the kingdom of Morocco with the Minister of Froeign Affairs and International Cooperation H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan ensured his support to the sovereignty of nations especially   over the entire region of Moroccan Sahara. The UAE promised that the help will be provided to the kingdom whenever in need which includes all the measures that Morrocn kingdom is ensuring to keep the integrity of its region and its citizens intact. The UAE also extended its support to Morocco’s autonomous region of Moroccan Sahara. Minister of Foreign Minister Al Nahyan said, “I’d like to start by expressing my sincere regards and appreciation for participating in this visual communication under the current tough circumstances the world is going through as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. I pray to Allah Almighty to lift the blight and bless the global community with peace, reassurance and prosperity.” The meeting w

UAE may achieve its goal of vaccinating 50% people in the first quarter ahead of time

Earlier the United Arab Emirates had stressed on its goal to vaccinate half of its population within the first quarter but exceeding everyone’s expectations, the nation is about to complete this target well ahead of schedule. An official confirmed that 50 percent of the entire population of the country will be vaccinated before the targeted first quarter. One of the reports also claims that the number of doses offered to the public have doubled in the last few days. It has not even been a week since the UAE announced that it will cater to half of its population by the end of first quarter of 2021 but now that the doses offered on a per day basis has doubled, authorities suggested that the goal will be reached well ahead of its time. Recent figures show that it increased from 53,859 on Friday to 118,928 on Wednesday. In an interview to Khaleej Times, Dr Walid Zaher, Chief Research Officer and Vaccine Project Leader, G42 Healthcare said, “With the efficacy and efficiency this opera

Struggle between Arabs concerning the Mosques esplanade in Jerusalem.

  The first visits by Gulf figures to Jerusalem, encouraged by recent agreements between Israel and the Emirates, stumbled over rivalries around the site, called the Temple Mount by Jews. Palestinians and Jordanians underlined that they are the guardians of the Muslim holy place. On December 14, members of a delegation from Sharaqa platform from the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain met with the Israeli Chief Sephardic Rabbi, Shlomo Ammar, in front of the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem. King David, with its view of the ancient city walls, is considered one of the most luxurious hotels in Jerusalem. The Foreign Lignitarians usually stay there when they visit the Holy City. Six influential people from the United Arab Emirates and Bahrein were received as heads of state on December 13, in the midst of Hanukkah, the major Jewish winter holiday. The small Israeli delegation is led by Amit Deri, founder of Reservists on Duty, an anti-BDS association, and the BDS movement. The v

'Solid bilateral ties’ between South Korea-UAE says, Chairman of KITA

  A South Korean official said on Sunday that since diplomatic ties were established between the United Arab Emirates and South Korea during the early 1980s, the two countries have maintained strong bilateral ties. The chairman of the Korea International Trade Association(KITA), Kim Young-ju, also said that the two countries have established strategic partnership since the time Moon Jae-in, the President of South Korea, made an official visit in 2018 to the UAE. Young-Ju revealed in an interview to WAM, a news agency, that the two countries share a lot of commonalities. The official said that both the countries shared a common ideal when it comes to growth and development. On one side where South Korea focused on being an economic powerhouse, UAE has gained a lot of attraction with its skyscrapers and also having the largest GDP per capita in the world.  “The UAE is a key economic partner of South Korea, and the value of their trade exchange exceeded US$12.5 billion in 2019, and

Belarus-developed High Speed sky pod network in UAE

  After long years of wait, the United Arab Emirates in Sharjah has unveiled its first high-speed electric sky pod. Under this, a suspended track stretching for two kilometers will be made at Sharjah Research, Technology and Innovation Park by a Belarus based company   SkyWay technologies. The technology may start very soon as suggested by reports. The technology has been designed by Anatoli Unitsky, who is a scientist and a member of the Russian Cosmonautics Federation and sustainable SkyWay system. He developed it in Belaru and now the UAE will be availing the benefits of this technology as it will be carrying its first passenger within weeks. Things are working in favour of a speed sky pod network as it is expected that the pilot project may start by the March of this year. This is in addition to a development site already in place at the park. The track has a Unicar pod stretching  for 400-meter built to adjust to the extreme climate in the Middle East. This high speed techno

UAE begins vaccination process with Sinopharm for free of cost

The United Arab Emirates has started the national vaccination program as it has introduced Sinopharm’s vaccine as the national vaccine to fight the dreaded coronavirus. The chinese-developed vaccine is created by inactivated coronavirus. The EMirati natin plans to vaccinate half of its population by the end of the first quarter of 2021 and till now it has already inoculated eight percent of the entire population. Considering the pace of the vaccination campaign, it will not be wrong to say that the aim to inoculate 50 percent of the population is definitely realistic. As of now, the UAE is the second most vaccinated country in the world and all the credit goes to the authorities of the nation who with rigorous and consistent efforts made sure that they not only curb the spread of the virus among people but also give them the vaccination without much delay. The country is aiming to achieve herd immunity by vaccinating 70 percent of the population by the end of this new year. Till