UAE steps up for phase three trials for vaccine developed by Russia.

The United Arab Emirates starts with the phase III trials of the coronavirus vaccine developed by Russia as it now seeks for volunteers who can participate in the trial. The trials as of now will only be conducted in Abu Dhabi . 

Russia Covid-19 vaccine called Sputnik V will be reportedly given in two doses to nelly 500 volunteers. It came after Russia began distributing the vaccine on Saturday to the most exposed groups in the country marking the start of the first ever large scale vaccination drive.

The trials for the vaccine in Abu Dhabi will be conducted only under the supervision of the Department of Health, Abu Dhabi. It is the official health regulator in Abu Dhabi. The vaccine usage programme in the emirate is being facilitated through the partnership between the Russian Direct Investment Fund, Russian’s sovereign wealth fund, and Abu Dhabi-based Aurugulf Health Investment. 

This is the second vaccine that is the third phase of clinical trials as the vaccine developed by the chinese pharmaceutical giant Sinopharm has also reached the final stage. The inactivated covid vaccine had earlier been authorised for being used among a focused group which include the frontline healthcare workers. 

The Russian vaccine is based on the human adenovirus and it was developed earlier this year in the Gamaleya National Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Health Ministry of the Russuan federation. There were some doubts after the Russian President announced the use of the vaccine as experts considered it to be a hasty decision however, the vaccine is brought to the emirati nation after all the clearances by the concerned authorities.

Even one of the medical journals ‘The Lancet’ published the records of the usage of the vaccine where it said that the vaccine showed a stable humoral and cellular immune response among the volunteers. The vaccine has also not shown any adverse symptoms in the volunteers gathered by the Russian authorities. 

The trials that are going to be taking place in the UAE are part of the trials that are being conducted in Russia and everywhere else for this particular vaccine. 

These trials are a part of campaign run since the start of volunteer involvement practice. It is called the ‘Vaccine for victory’ campaign. Those who are interested to volunteer can sign up at where they can fill their contact details and other medical information that might be necessary for the participation. The interested people will then be contacted for eligibility screening. 



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