UK PM advised people to work from home as covid cases keep on rising.

The second wave of coronavirus has started hitting the nations and as a precautionary measure, the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has hinted has a possible shut down as he requested the citizens to work from home and ordered the nars and restaurants to close down early to curb the fast spreading Covid-19. 

Experts and scientists have the authorities that without immediate action, not only will the new cases increase but the death rate will also see a steep rise. This escalated tensions among the officials regarding the issue led Johnson to take this call. Unlike a full lockdown, the restrictions will not be as serious as the first one but due to these relaxations this time, the lockdown will last for six months. 

"I'm sorry to say that as in Spain and France and many other countries, we have reached a perilous turning point," the PM told the reporters after attending an emergency meeting. 

It has not been even a week since he first advised the government office workers and others to return to the offices and now this advice will be shocking for many. 

"We will not listen to those who say let the virus rip, nor to those who urge a permanent lockdown. We are taking decisive and appropriate steps to balance saving lives and protecting jobs and livelihoods."

Despite these measures, schools and universities will remain open only with tougher safety rules. Fines on people not following the safety guidelines will be heavier this time and face masks will be made compulsory in more settings this time. 

Like many others, the United Kingdom is also having a difficult time coping up with the economic crisis that took place with the coronavirus outbreak. What has made the situation even worse is the fact that the UK has the most number of deaths due to COVID-19 in the whole of Europe. This means that it not only has to make efforts in saving the economy but also look after the treatment of people. It is already borrowing huge sums of money to get hold of the situation in the country. 

Johnson said that they are working to come up with a decisive call that draws a road map at taking appropriate steps to balance ‘saving lives and protecting jobs and livelihoods’.



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