Beirut Blast: UAE freight medical aid to Lebanon.

The United Arab Emirates has contributed to the aid to Lebanon after the capital city of the country suffered a huge blast two days ago.

On Wednesday, the Emirate supported the country after a deadly explosion took place in the evening of Beirut that killed 113 lives and left more than 4000 missing. International Humanitarian City in Dubai had sent 30 tonnes of medical supplies for the relief initiative. This is to express the solidarity of Dubai to Lebanon in this time of crisis under the directives of Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

Reem bint Ebrahim Al Hashimy, Minister of State for International Cooperation, applauded the swift movement and said that this keenness reflects UAE’s care for its brother and to help those in need. "The UAE's commitment to provide various forms of support in such situations underlines our solidarity with all brotherly and friendly countries in times of crises and our desire to take concerted efforts to mitigate challenges. We will work to assess the situation to evaluate what further assistance we can provide."

Apart from the aid for the blast, the leaders from the UAE also donated 12 tonnes of protective equipment in the fight against Covid-19. “The move is part of a series of humanitarian response operations carried out by the UAE to support brotherly and friendly countries to fight Covid-19," state news agency Wam reported.

The help was provided on orders of crown prince of Anu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed to support more than 10,000 medical staff in Lebanon.

A donation of Dh10 million was given by Sheikha Fatima, chairwoman of the General Women's Union and president of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, in order to lend support to the victims that have been affected by the Tuesday blast in Beirut.



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