WHO refutes Brazilian President’s claims that Omicron is a welcome variant


Brazil - Omicron

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro recently said that the new variant of Covid-19 could be called a "vaccine virus" and is a "welcome" variant. The President said that the Omicron variant can signal the end of the pandemic. Bolsonaro made such statements on Wednesday in an interview with Gazeta Brazil website.

World Health Organization Emergency Director Mike Ryan on Wednesday refuted statements made by the President. During a news conference in Geneva, Ryan said that Omicron might be less severe as a viral infection in an individual, however, that doesn't mean it is a mild disease.

Ryan said that many people are suffering because of the Omicron variant of Covid-19. He further added that many people are gasping for breath in ICUs. He also claimed that the virus is a vaccine-preventable disease and can be prevented by taking necessary precautions. He talked about the benefits of hygiene, social distancing, and mask rules. Ryan added that it is not the time to declare the Omicron variant as a welcome virus. He said, “No virus is welcome that kills people.”

 Bolsonaro has stood out globally for his defiant stance in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. He called the coronavirus "a little flu" despite the fact that more than 600,000 Brazilians died from the virus in the past two years. Experts claim that the Omicron variant is already the most widespread in Brazil.

He did not allow his daughter to receive the shot and promised to continue to fight against lockdowns. Earlier, a government coronavirus advisory body said that 301 children between the ages of 5 and 11  died of COVID-19 in Brazil. Bolsonaro himself refused to get vaccinated many times. He repeatedly called into question the efficacy of coronavirus vaccines in fighting the virus. He said the arrival of the Omicron variant posed little threat, even as experts warn of growing pressure on hospitals.


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