UAE’s agriculture ambitions in Afghanistan guarantee better future for civilians

UAE- Afghanistan - Agriculture

The United Arab Emirates is making efforts to bring agricultural prosperity to Afghanistan with its plans to introduce support to the Pertaka Canal Project, also known as the Helmand River Project.

The basic aim behind the UAE investing and supporting this project is to help the Afghani population deal with their agriculture issues in a better way and help them prosper with the support of the external environment. The project will cater to the livelihood of nearly 1000 families and help over 300 farms to grow in the region.

The basic problem in the country, especially this particular Gramsir district, is related to water. Because of the limited access to the water both due to natural and also political reasons, people can depend on agriculture only during the time of winters. But thankfully the project has given them enough and more water to use for agriculture purposes.

A canal is in the making which will give people in the district access to the water of the Helmand river. The water flow control device has been installed from the river to the main entrance to the canal.

Even though the canal has not been completed, the cleaning operations of the canal walls and surrounding areas have been finished. The water which is being provided to these families has led to a cut down of half the percentage of the usage expense of the farmers.

Grains such as Wheat and Barley were planted in winters. Even Opium was being cultivated in winters only but with thai project other fruits and vegetables are also being grown as during the harvest season, farmers will have access to water to treat the crops better.

Despite the impact that pandemic brought on countries and people, the UAE remained focused towards helping those in need. The UAE leadership has promised that it will help the nation whenever they need it the most and now, when the country was suffering with fodder issues, the Arab nation did not think twice to extend a helping hand.

Water is the most crucial part of agriculture. Excess or dearth of water in agriculture processes leads to complete damage of crops and hence, acknowledging this very basic yet important requirement, the UAE stepped in to help the Afghani population and supported this project. 


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