UAE comes forward to aid people irrespective of nationality, race or religion

The United Arab Emirate displayed a true sprit of humanity, as the Gulf nation stepped forward not only to help its own people but also the citizens of other nations during the distressed times of global pandemic. At the beginning of the month, the Emirates’ Health and Community Protection Ministry issued a warning, urging its citizens and foreign residents not to travel abroad and sent 215 foreigners it evacuated from hard-hit Hubei in China to a quarantine set up in its Emirates Humanitarian City.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed also sponsored the transfer of Yemenis and Sudanese city from Wuhan in China. Yemen’s Foreign Affairs Minister Mohammed Abdullah al-Hadrami expressed gratitude towards UAE on the minsitry’s official Twitter account for its “cooperation and help” in the evacuation process.

The tweet said the students were welcomed in the UAE and were temporarily put in quarantine before they got clearance to return home (Yemen).

Wuhan is the Chinese city which was first to be engulfed by the highly contagious coronavirus. The deadly virus emerged in Wuhan about three months ago and has now spread across the globe, victimising about 4,00,000 people and taking over 18,000 lives.

UAE also assisted its neighbouring nation, Kuwait in transferring Kuwaiti students from abroad after Kuwait closed its airports.

Besides, UAE’s medical initiative also helped Serbian citizens. Officials from Serbia and Croatia thanked UAE’s Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed for standing with them and assisting them in tacking Covid-19, a respiratory disease caused by coronavirus.

The UAE is home to about 9 million people, out of which only about 1 million are estimated to be Emirati citizens. But UAE’s health and economic package and services are extended to all.


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