Is China under second wave of coronavirus?

On Thursday

 Earlier this week china shared what it considered to be a major victory in its battle against the contagion as between 18 March and 22 March, the Chinese city of Wuhan did not reported any new cases of the virus through domestic transmission. Wuhan, which was once the epicentre of the disease - Covid-19, was the place from where the deadly virus emerged about four months ago. The no new domestic case was a huge achievement for the country, where over 80,000 people got infected by this monstrosity.

 But on March 26, the country reported its first locally transmitted infection in three days and adopted stricter preventive measure including closing its international borders to foreigners, even those with residency permits.

Over the fear of a second wave, the WHO-Chinese report last month suggested "a clear recognition and readiness of the need to immediately react to any new COVID-19 cases or clusters as key elements of the containment strategy are lifted."

 Chinese officials said that they are undertaking more measures to prevent a possible second wave, even as they further relaxed restrictions this week on shutdown and travel outside in Hubei Province, located in Wuhan.

Chinese communist regime which is infamous for its tight control over media and internet, was criticised world over for silencing or jailing the doctors who raised the alarm about the virus, before it became a global epidemic. As the nation is predicted to be hit by second wave of the corona attack, various reports are surfacing which hint at China’s growing effort towards hiding the real impact of the calamity. Would the world know if China gets hit by second wave?

On March 23, Hong Kong's public broadcaster quoted a local volunteer who accused that the hospital staff was sending back "coronavirus patients" and did not test the sick in a move what he called was "a political treatment, not medical treatment."

The South China Morning Post reported on a Wuhan woman whose husband died in early March, five days after being reclassified as "cured" and getting sent to a temporary COVID-19 medical center before his release.

On March 27, Hong Kong, territory controlled by China, reported its biggest surge in corona positive cases to date, leading to tighter controls including banning gatherings of more than four people and closure of many public places.


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