Why Sudan Is Opening Doors Of Trade to Israel?

Sudan is finally making a move to extend a hand of friendship to Israel, as it reverses a six decade old conflict with the latter. Sudan has signed a bill that will allow Israel to now do business with Sudan.

This makes Sudan join the ranks of other Middle Eastern nations that are now opening doors to enter into trade deals with Israel.  The middle eastern nations include United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Morocco. Last year, Jordon and Egypt were the only nations that had recognized Israel. The move came after Trump brokered a deal amongst the Middle Eastern nations under his presidency.

Sudan makes this move in a way to get back its economy in line with the changing times. The worn torn country has found some encouragement in the fact that its name has been struck off the list of countries accused of sponsoring terrorism.

While the Sudanese Cabinet extends reconciliation with Israel, it also echoed a "firm position on the establishment of a Palestinian state within the framework of a two-state solution." 

Mass protests in 2019 forced former President Omar al-Bashir to end his 30-year Islamic rule, during which the African country took a strong stance against Israel. 

In order for the bill to be passed, the cancellation of this 1958 legislation will need approved in joint vote of cabinet and ruling sovereignty council. The law passed barred any ties with the Jewish state then. The annulment now ends restriction on doing business with a Jewish state that carried a sentence of 10 years rigorous imprisonment earlier.

Sudan’s economy had suffered from decades of US sanctions and mismanagement under al-Bashir, who had ruled the country since a 1989 Islamist-backed military coup.

The designation dates back to the 1990s, when Sudan briefly hosted al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and other wanted terrorists. Sudan was also believed to have served as a pipeline for Iran to supply weapons to Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip.


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