UAE: Nationwide vaccination campaign draws global attention

On Thursday, the coronavirus vaccination campaign in the United Arab Emirates crossed the ten million mark. This is a mark of dedication and determination of the UAE authorities in safeguarding the health interests of the community members.

The UAE was one of the first countries to start administration of the vaccines and soon it went on to become the fastest nation to administer vaccines to its 50 percent of the entire population. This achievement is not hidden from anyone. The international forum has already taken a note of it and started offering benefits to UAE citizens because of the ongoing vaccination drive.

In the wake of coronavirus pandemic, travel across the world came to an halt but as soon as it started again, there was a considerable surge in the infection rates. Britain was one of the first countries to take this seriously, especially after the mutant virus found its grounds in the UK. Hence, Britain along with many other nations, banned travel of citizens coming from red zones.

But as the UAE is gradually moving towards vaccinating its entire population, these countries are once again opening its gate for UAE residents. Many countries are studying the vaccination campaign in the country and according to it, they are moving towards allowing tourists from the arab country.

Other than that many european countries are also considering removing the requirement of quarantine. Greece is one such country. The country is looking to remove the requirement of quarantine among the travellers or those seeking to come to Athens from the UAE. There are many more countries who are adding this to their list.

Earlier this week, there were reports of Britain removing the UAE from the red list. Red list had the countries that had seen a severe rise in the number of coronavirus cases. The transport minister of the UK had hinted at changing names on this list.

There is a rise in global interest for the UAE’s vaccination programme, which has been exceptionally successful. The world is keeping its eye on the performance of the emirati nation and it is very much possible that in coming days, the UAE citizens, especially those who are vaccinated, get special benefits in western countries over the residents of the other nation.

What seems to have intrigued the international forum is the fact that the UAE is making an effort to not only vaccinate its residents but also the expatriates. From the announcement of the trial of the vaccines to the implementation, the leadership of the UAE has made sure that health of the community members always stays as the top priority.

For anyone in the UAE, it is not hard to get vaccinated. This is another factor that has impressed many top international experts. Vaccination is the only to safeguard the health of people and that means that it is extremely necessary for each person. The UAE authorities and the medical staff are well aware of this and take special note is ensuring vaccine safety to each of the UAE’s citizens.

Westeren countries are analysing the performance of the UAE and its success rate in achieving a possible herd immunity as with the UAE coming forward and leading the vaccination campaign in the region, the other countries will also be able to seek inspiration from it. This will prove to be highly beneficial for the trade practices that will take place post pandemic. 


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