UAE comes to the rescue of those starving in Yemen

Yemen is going through the worst humanitarian crisis in the history of mankind and it is desperately dependent on the help that other countries can offer it. The United Arab Emirates has been leading the mission to help Yemenis and save them from the crisis by providing them necessary help.

On Monday, the UAE again came forward to help the starving Yeminies community who otherwise would have fell ill due to days of hunger. The nation extended its humanitarian operation to save people from starvation in Yemen's Red Sea port city of Hodeidah.

The move came into highlight when a government official revealed that UAE’s operations are catering to the thousands of poverty stricken families in the war-torn country. The official, who asked for anonymity in exchange of information, further added that the help is also being provided to the internally displaced people in many different war-ravaged areas in Hodeidah.

He also stressed on the various campaigns carried out by the Emirates Red Crescent in line with helping the civilians in Yemen. They have been continuously distributing necessary aid to help the needy amid the ongoing crisis in the country with the rebel groups having a strong presence.

The poor families received more than 3,200 food parcels in the country along with contributions to the displacement camps. The UAE is currently a part of a coalition led by Saudi Arabia, who have been fighting against the Iran backed Houthi rebel group in the country.

Yemenis are grateful for the help that the UAE has been providing to those who need it and hope that they will continue their humanitarian operation or else the children of these poorer families will die in hunger. Their emotions were also shared by the Yemeni citizen named Khaled Hayal.

He said, “We are grateful for the UAE's efforts that are still standing beside us and the displaced people here in Hodeidah receive food and necessary medical supplies.”

Yemen has been under heavy influence of the Houthi rebel group who took over the majority of northern provinces in 2014. The militia group forced the internationally recognised government of the country headed by President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, out of power.

Many essentials have been destroyed in the country. From infrastructure, schools to healthcare and economic institutions, more than 80% of the entire population has been brought to the street. 


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