Palestine Left To Fend For Itself

Trump has indeed toppled the pillar of faith for the Palestinians; and in doing so, he has also forced the Middle Eastern leadership to side with him.
What was earlier expected to become a part of the Palestinian bloc, has been given away to Israel. The leadership in Israel is quickly moving to concretize the plans stated in the Peace Proposal presented by Donald Trump this week.

According to the new plan, the West Bank land will now be with Israel and not Palestine, a right that the latter had been rightfully asserting for a long time. Backed then by the Arab and Middle Eastern leadership, Palestine has been wishing for all Israeli forces to be removed and Palestine be given its sovereignty by acknowledging an independent Palestinian state with parts of East Jerusalem as its capital.

But there has been a sad turnaround, with Arab leaders now siding with the new American plan, giving more teeth to Israel, something which will seem to work well for them to unite efforts against Iran. So, the future of Palestine is not on their agenda as of now.

They are now wishing to bring the Palestinian leadership on the same plane and get them to agree to the terms laid out by Washington. Strangely, at the recently concluded meeting of Arab and Middle Eastern leaders along with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump, there was no representation from Palestine. At the meeting, the peace proposal received unanimous approval, with a blatant sidelining of the actual absence of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

The United States holds great tout with countries like U.A.E., Bahrain and Oman. This was evident from the way each of them sent off their U.S. ambassadors to the White House. Indeed, their presence offered symbolic support for a plan and proves that Palestinian demands as non-negotiable.

There is still mixed reaction for Palestine. Some other nations find this plan an insult to the Palestinian aspirations. These include Turkey and Jordon for starters. Turkey described the plan as “stillborn” and said Israel’s plans to annex land in the West Bank were aimed at destroying the two-state solution. Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi also warned of the “dangerous consequences of unilateral Israeli measures…that aim to impose new realities on the ground.”
Meanwhile pockets in Lebanon and Palestine are breaking into open protests. Another civil war is what might be there to fear. 


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