European powers try to save whatever is left of Iran nuclear treaty

European powers came together in pursuit of resolving the US-Iran conflict and saving what is left of the nuclear deal with Iran. On Friday, the leaders of EU held a meeting in Brussels to seek ways to de-escalate frequent eruption of tensions between United States and Iran. EU leaders said that they were looking for a more permanent solution for the confrontation between the two, knowing that any miscalculation on either side could leave the bloc facing a major crisis.

The European nations including France, Britain and Germany have unanimously rejected US president Donald Trump’s call to quit the nuclear treaty with Iran. 

The treaty, called Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JPCOA), signed in 2015 started losing its impact after Trump withdrew US from the agreement in May 2018.  US pulled out on the grounds that it was biased and a foolish agreement. As the consequence, Washington imposed stricter economic sanctions on Tehran, crippling its economy. 

Since 2018, Iran has been increasingly violating the agreement, intensifying its uranium capacity. In an interview with RTL radio aired on Friday, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, warned the world that Iran was just a year or two away from developing nuclear weapons. Such has been the extent of Iran’s violation of otherwise binding 2015 nuclear accord.

On Saturday, observing the gravity of the situation, German Chancellor, Angela Merkel and Russian president Vladimir Putin held a meeting in Moscow over the ongoing crisis in the Middle East and decided to join hands to fight together and save the Iran nuclear deal.
The German head stressed that “everything must be done” to keep the agreement intact, despite Trump’s call to abandon it. Her Russian counterpart echoed the same point of view and called the deal as “tremendously important.”

While holding a joint press conference with Putin, Merkel said, “We agreed that we should do anything to preserve the deal, the JCPOA. Germany is convinced that Iran should not acquire or have nuclear weapons." 
"For this reason we will continue to employ all diplomatic means to keep this agreement alive, which is certainly not perfect but it is an agreement and it comprises commitments by all sides,” She added.

Who joined their league the following day was, French president Emmanuel Macron. Macron released a statement on Monday saying that on Sunday he had a telephonic communication with his Russian counterpart and both the leaders shared the desire to save the Iran nuclear deal.

On Sunday, leaders of Britain, France and Germany reached out to Iran asking the Islamic nation for full compliance of 2015 nuclear deal with the world power. They warned Tehran to refrain from any further violation of the agreement. 


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