America Moves To Sanction Gas Pipeline Project Between Russia and Turkey

Donald Trump has finally signed the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), something that has become a great worry to Turkey.

Turkey is now worried about the future of its gas pipeline project with RussiaIt is believed that the move will affect the nearly finished Nord Stream 2, which runs from Russia to Germany, and TurkStream, a Russian pipeline that traverses the Black Sea to Turkey.

The act was passed as The US House of Representatives and Senate Arms Services Committee could come to a consensus on December 10. It had a purposeful clause of sanctioning Russia.

According to this new act, the US now gets to decide how it uses its military resources regionally and its relations with other countries. So, as a part of the new NDAA, its first step is to impose sanctions related to Russia’s Nord Stream 2 and TurkStream pipelines and also bar military-to-military cooperation with Russia.
 The result has been that the Swiss-Dutch company Allseas has promptly announced suspension of work on building the major natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany in order to avoid US sanctions contained in this legislation.

According to the bill, Trump administration has 60 days to identify companies working under both the projects, before it starts blacklisting them. The discretion to waive off or reduce sanction lies with the President only. But a wave of fear for the worst has already reached out.  The sanction will be affected on those that are still continuing with pipe-laying at depths of 100 feet or more below sea level for the construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project, the TurkStream pipeline project.

The US has been extremely unhappy with Turkey’s turnaround and preference over the F35 programme, tilting itself to Russia over to the S400 purchases. Political analysts believe this sanction is a way for America to show their resentment to Turkey. 


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