Lebanese Take To Streets Asking America To Keep Out Of Governance

Pro- Hezbollah protestors could be seen chanting anti American slogans outside the US Embassy in Lebanon recently.
The protestors marched into Awkar, 11kms from Beirut and were protesting against US meddling with their government affairs.

The demonstrators were seen burning US and Israeli flags with some trying to cut the barbed wire to break through the security cordon. This has led to riots and the crowd had to be dispersed by internal security forces with tear gas.
Participants included young men from the Communist Party, the Syrian Social Nationalist Party and some Palestinian refugees participating in a demonstration where they gave out a message of “resistance and non conformity to US meddling expressed by former US Ambassador Jeffrey Feltman.”
Protests under a solid civil disobedience movement have been going on in Lebanon. Various protests are being seen across the country that are demanding the right to a proper government representation that works in favour of the common man, and not of the powerful elite elected at office.

The civil movement has also infiltrated the union elections. Civil society candidates have won the union elections in a dental association, a physiotherapist association, and even the bar association where representation can show the mood and emotion of the people.

Tweets and general posts show that demonstrators are in the mood to protest around every embassy of every country which thinks it is their right to interfere in the internal matters of Lebanon and not let the people decide how they would like their elected government to be like.

Ironically enough, the massive and systematic demonstrations are now coinciding with a social media campaign accusing the civil movement in Lebanon of “receiving US funding and directives.”


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