Czech Republic rejects German EU refugee allocation initiative

The Czech Republic will not accept the German proposal for the distribution of illegal refugees among the EU member states.  This was stated by Prime Minister Andrei Babish.
“We Czech Republic fundamentally reject the mechanisms for distributing refugees in the European Union, reject any quotas,” the prime minister noted. “I am surprised that someone is raising this exhausted topic again. We will be against this Germany’s proposal to accept migrants.
 The negative position regarding the introduction of migration quotas in the European Union, according to Babish, is taken by the countries of the Visegrád group Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland).  Prague consults on migration policy issues with partners in this regional EU association.
Earlier was reported that Germany will launch a new initiative on the allocation of illegal refugees to the EU at a meeting scheduled for next week in Brussels by EU interior ministers.  Berlin will propose to reform the existing asylum system in such a way that migrants immediately after passing the first check at the external borders of the European Union are distributed among the member states of the organization.  The host countries will have to ensure that they complete all the asylum formalities in the EU.


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