UN Women hail UAE’s adoption of women-centric legislations, promoting gender equality and women empowerment

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, UN Women lauded United Arab Emirates’s effort to incorporate more women-centric legislations in the recent years to make way for gender equality and empowerment of women. In a statement issued by the UN agency to the Emirates News Agency (WAM), UN Women said, "The UAE has made significant strides towards equality and leads the MENA region in women’s empowerment, particularly given the recent legislations that offered women more rights and better protection.”

"UN Women is proud of its longstanding relationship with the UAE Government, the General Women’s Union led by H.H. Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak [Chairwoman of the General Women's Union (GWU), President of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, and Supreme Chairwoman of the Family Development Foundation (FDF)] and her remarkable vision for women’s advancement across all sectors," Dr. Mouza Al Shehhi, Director, UN Women Liaison Office for the GCC, said in the statement.

She added, "On International Women’s Day, we commend this partnership as we jointly seek to push the gender equality agenda forward.”

Much to the UAE’s credit, the nation adopted about 11 new laws and amendments since 2019 to ensure better protection, over all empowerment and more rights to its women citizens. Some of these included, amping up representation of women in the country’s national council, extending maternity leave by a week, granting parental leave to private sector employees, guaranteeing equal wages for equal work or work of equal value and increasing severity of punishment in case of ‘honour crimes’.

UAE holds long association with the UN Women, which works with government agencies and civil society groups to bring in laws, policies, and programmes aimed at providing better life to women folk. The Arab nation has been closely working with UN Women for years and has been on its Executive Board between 2013 and 2018. UAE also held the presidency of the Executive Council of UN Women in 2017.

Hailing UAE’s work in the field of women empowerment, Andrea Matteo Fontana, the Ambassador of the EU to the UAE, told WAM, "The United Arab Emirates is at the forefront of women’s empowerment in the Arab world.” He emphasised that achieving gender equality was one of the EU’s key objectives. He added that the bloc has planned on using the upcoming Dubai Expo 2020, to work on the issue in collaboration with the UAE and other international partners.


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