What the US can take from the UAE on handling a pandemic?
When coronavirus broke out, no one prepared. No country had the slightest of idea about how bad it can be or how contagious it really is but nearly six months from now, it all comes down to who handled it better? A country the United States, who was more susceptible than most countries to get infected of coronavirus, chose to ignore early signs of what is not the worst public health care crisis in the last 100 years that the nation has faced. Donald Trump was not only lazy in handling the situation but is also impatient with the scenario and has already seems to have moved on from the pandemic with his daily ‘fun’ activities. UAE on the other hand took care of the public concerns when the news of the virus outbreak was in the public knowledge and started identifying positive cases with continuous testing and not this but also making sure that social distancing is kept intact in every which way possible. UAE faced the virus prior to it reaching the United States, they were weeks ahead i...