A new cargo of weapons arrived in Libya from Turkey

The Libyan National Army (LNA) spokesman Ahmed al-Mismari confirmed that a new shipment of weapons arrived at Misrata port from Turkey last week revealing that the cargo would have already been unloaded and reached the militias affiliated to the Government of National Accord (GNA) south of Misurata and Garabulli where violent clashes are still ongoing.

The weapons and equipment arriving from Turkey to Misrata today aim at supporting the combat capabilities of terrorist organizations and armed gangs in the western region, Ahmed al-Mismari said.
On Friday the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan confirmed for the first time that a number of Turkish soldiers had been killed in Libya. After revealing the presence of Syrian fighters among members of the Libyan military personnel training force, Erdogan announced the death of several of his soldiers in Tripoli.

“Turkey is there in Libya with a training force. There are also people from the Syrian National Army,” Erdogan told reporters in Istanbul, referring to opposition fighters who were previously known as the “Free Syrian Army”.

Previously, several reports had indicated that Turkey sent Syrian mercenaries after they were promised the Turkish citizenship and salaries of up to $2,000 per month, to fight alongside militias loyal to the GNA.

Local media in Libya reported that 3 Ankara soldiers were killed in the bombing of the Tripoli port by the Libyan national army, then transported to Istanbul via a flight on 20 February from Tripoli Mitiga airport. It’s interesting that on Sunday, several Turkish media released pictures of two Ankara intelligence officers killed in Libya in recent days. They are Ocan Altinay and Sinan Caferler.


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